
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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( 2024 )


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Ciudadanías y competencias ciudadanas
Mieles Barrera,María Dilia; Alvarado Salgado,Sara Victoria;
Estudios Políticos , 2012,
Abstract: colombia is a country characterized by deep social conflicts, economic and political issues that affect the entire population, but in a particularly acute way to indigenous and afro-colombian ethnic groups, peasants and people in other circumstances of vulnerability. this article addresses these issues and sets out multicultural, intercultural land democratic citizenships as alternatives that may further expand the debate about the type of citizens needed not only within the framework of our local realities, but also from the reference of the global society that requires the necessary construction of political subjectivities from early ages. in the same sense, we consider the civic skills program promoted by the ministry of education, as a commitment to the training of citizens committed to a more harmonious coexistence and active participation in the public sphere, noting critically some gaps and limitations of this project.
Ciudadanías y competencias ciudadanas Citizenships and Civil Skills
María Dilia Mieles Barrera,Sara Victoria Alvarado Salgado
Estudios Políticos , 2012,
Abstract: Colombia es un país caracterizado por profundos conflictos sociales, económicos y políticos que afectan a toda la población, pero de manera especialmente aguda a los grupos étnicos indígenas y afrocolombianos, a los campesinos y poblaciones en otras situaciones de vulnerabilidad. Desde este artículo se abordan estas temáticas y se plantean opciones como la ciudadanía multicultural, intercultural y democrática, como alternativas que podrán seguir ampliando el debate sobre el tipo de ciudadanos y ciudadanas que es necesario formar en el marco de nuestras realidades locales, pero también desde la referencia de la sociedad global que exige la necesaria construcción de subjetividades políticas desde edades tempranas. De la misma manera, se aborda el programa de Competencias Ciudadanas, impulsado por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional, como una apuesta por la formación de ciudadanos comprometidos con una convivencia más armónica y una participación activa en la esfera de lo público, se alando críticamente algunos elementos de ampliación que pueden aportar al fortalecimiento de este proyecto. Colombia is a country characterized by deep social conflicts, economic and political issues that affect the entire population, but in a particularly acute way to indigenous and Afro-Colombian ethnic groups, peasants and people in other circumstances of vulnerability. This article addresses these issues and sets out multicultural, intercultural land democratic citizenships as alternatives that may further expand the debate about the type of citizens needed not only within the framework of our local realities, but also from the reference of the global society that requires the necessary construction of political subjectivities from early ages. In the same sense, we consider the Civic Skills program promoted by the Ministry of Education, as a commitment to the training of citizens committed to a more harmonious coexistence and active participation in the public sphere, noting critically some gaps and limitations of this project.
Las instituciones educativas y la comunidad frente al maltrato infantil: una experiencia de investigación acción participativa
Barrera, María Dilia Mieles;Espitia, María Victoria Gaitán;Gaitán, Renán Cepeda;
Educa??o e Pesquisa , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S1517-97022011005000010
Abstract: the study entitled "diagnostic of child maltreatment in commune 8 of the district of santa marta" (diagnóstico del maltrato infantil en la comuna 8 del distrito de santa marta) sponsored by the patrimonial fund for the development of research of the university of magdalena (santa marta, colombia) and conducted by the research group in child education characterizes the most frequent forms of child maltreatment (cm) in this area of the town, and described the role of educative institutions and of the community in facing this problem. the methodology of participative-action-research (par) made it possible to mobilize the civil society, educative institutions, and government organizations to work in the diagnostic and prevention. all forms of maltreatment characterized were identified, and the main perpetrators were seen to belong to the family group. protecting factors were identified in the families, in the community, and in the state. extreme poverty and low levels of education are associated to maltreatment, and originate unfair living conditions for children, violations of their rights, and severe damages to their whole development. the study recommends: i) to develop strategies of formation and prevention with families and the community to decrease school and intra-family violence; ii) that educative institutions should intervene with an active preventive function; iii) to organize programs of social, economic, and psychological support that help to improve the quality of life of the families, and contribute to protect children, with the collaboration of universities, and official and institutional bodies; iv) to disseminate widely the results, exposing the worrying presence of child maltreatment, and helping to increase awareness of its prevention.
Qualitative Resarch: the Thematic Analysis for the Treatment of Information from the Approach of the Social Phenomenology
María Dilia Mieles Barrera,Graciela Tonon,Sara Victoria Alvarado Salgado
Universitas Humanística , 2012,
Abstract: The recent diffusion and popularity of qualitative method in Social Sciences makes the reconstruction of its history necessary, and suggests it is crucial to permanently review its epistemological precepts, highlight critical remarks and point out more efficient and replicable manners of processing the diverse sorts of information gathered from the research processes. Those actions are inherent to the process of reflexivity, which belongs to this way of conceiving the human and the social world. We assume part of the aforementioned requests and present the contributions to elucidate and rigorously support this not-so-new approach, which regards people (from their biographies and their cultural-political-social and economic contexts) as sense builders and capable beings to understand their own life conditions. The inter-subjective exchange with researchers and the comprehension and interpretation of diverse worlds and social practices allows us to construct or redefine theories
Identidad personal y profesional de los docentes de preescolar en el distrito de Santa Marta
Mieles-Barrera,María Dilia; Henríquez-Linero,Iliana Margarita; Sánchez-Castellón,Ligia María;
Educación y Educadores , 2009,
Abstract: this article presents a study done by the research group on early childhood education at the universidad de magdalena in santa marta, colombia. the study was designed to prompt reflection and recognition among the participants on the aspects that characterize them at a personal and professional level, to explore how they are perceived by other teachers, teaching directors and parents, and to delve into the expectations all these actors have with in terms of what preschool education should be. the main findings reflect a personal identity characterized by a sense of belonging to the caribbean culture, religiousness, a high regard for family unity, the capacity for self-critique and the presence of certain fears. as for the professional aspect, the more outstanding characteristics include a receptiveness to change, a willingness to work as part of a team, resourcefulness and lack of certification and refresher training. for the most part, those who participated in the study find that preschool education is undervalued in the realm of public policy on education, and believe that fundamental changes are in order with respect to the meaning and orientation of education at this level.
Identidad personal y profesional de los docentes de preescolar en el distrito de Santa Marta Identidade pessoal e profissional dos docentes de pré-escolar no distrito de Santa Marta Personal and Professional Identity of Pre-School Teachers in the Santa Marta district
María Dilia Mieles-Barrera,Iliana Margarita Henríquez-Linero,Ligia María Sánchez-Castellón
Educación y Educadores , 2009,
Abstract: El artículo presenta la investigación desarrollada por el Grupo de Investigación en Educación Infantil de la Universidad del Magdalena, en Santa Marta, Colombia. Los objetivos de la investigación fueron: generar entre los participantes procesos de reflexión y reconocimiento sobre los aspectos que los caracterizan, a nivel personal y profesional; explorar la percepción que sobre ellos tienen los demás docentes, directivos docentes y los padres de familia, e indagar por las expectativas que tienen todos estos actores sobre lo que debería ser la educación de los ni os y ni as preescolares. Los principales hallazgos dan cuenta de una identidad personal, caracterizada por: sentido de pertenencia a la cultura caribe, religiosidad, alta valoración de la unidad familiar, capacidad de autocrítica y presencia de temores. En la dimensión profesional se destacan la apertura al cambio, la disposición para el trabajo en equipo, la recursividad y la falta de cualificación y actualización. En general, la población participante en la investigación considera que la educación preescolar es poco valorada en el ámbito de las políticas públicas en educación, y que se requieren cambios fundamentales en el sentido y orientación de este nivel educativo. Este artigo é o resultado da pesquisa levada a cabo pelo Grupo de Pesquisa em Educa o Infantil da Universidad del Magdalena em Santa Marta, Col mbia. Os objetivos foram: fomentar nos participantes processos de reflex o e reconhecimento acerca dos aspetos pessoais e profissionais que os caracterizam; explorar a percep o dos docentes, diretivos docentes e pais sobre eis, e pesquisar as expectativas destes atores sobre o que deveria ser a educa o dos meninos e das meninas pré-escolares. Os resultados mostram que existe uma identidade caracterizada pelo senso de filia o à cultura caribe, religiosidade, alta valora o da unidade familiar, capacidade de autocrítica e presencia de temores. No campo profissional, destacam-se abertura as mudan as, a predisposi o ao trabalho em equipe, a recursividade e a falta de qualifica o e de treinamento. A popula o que participou na pesquisa pensa que a educa o pré-escolar n o é muito valorada na proposi o de políticas públicas sobre educa o e que s o requeridas mudan as drásticas no senso e a orienta o deste nível educativo. This article presents a study done by the Research Group on Early Childhood Education at the Universidad de Magdalena in Santa Marta, Colombia. The study was designed to prompt reflection and recognition among the participants on the aspects that characterize them at
Calidad de vida y derechos de la infancia: un desafío presente
María Dilia Mieles,Alejandro Acosta
Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Ni?ez y Juventud , 2012,
Abstract: La investigación en calidad de vida de los ni os y ni as es un tema relativamentereciente. Un aspecto que ha influido en el creciente interés por conocer la vida de los peque osdesde su propia perspectiva es la Declaración Internacional de los Derechos del Ni o, que ademásde legitimidad les ha dado mayor visibilidad en el espacio de lo público y de lo privado. El presenteartículo reafirma la importancia de seguir investigando sobre las condiciones reales de existencia delos ni os y ni as, en diferentes contextos. Se rese an investigaciones significativas en este campo,todo ello con el fin de contribuir a la necesaria tarea de seguir indagando acerca de la complejidadde la vida de ni os y ni as.
Apuntes sobre socialización infantil y construcción de identidad en ambientes multiculturales
Mieles,María Dilia; García,María Cristina;
Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Ni?ez y Juventud , 2010,
Abstract: children socialization processes and identity construction are seen from multicultural point of view, current issues affecting these processes are the central theme of discussion in this article. to advance in this direction we base on the conceptual and theoretical thinking of important social researchers on these crucial issues. also we have reflected on the cultural characteristics of different social groups, and their impact on the socialization of the new generations.
Apuntes sobre socialización infantil y construcción de identidad en ambientes multiculturales
María Dilia Mieles,María Cristina García
Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Ni?ez y Juventud , 2010,
Abstract: Los procesos de socialización y construcción de identidad de los ni os y ni as, vistos desde la multiculturalidad y las actuales problemáticas que los afectan, son tema central de reflexión en este artículo. En este empe o se retoman aspectos teóricos y conceptuales de importantes investigadores e investigadoras sociales que han convertido en objeto de reflexión y comprensión estos cruciales temas. Así mismo, se retoman diversos aspectos de los grupos sociales, sus características culturales y su incidencia en la formación de las nuevas generaciones.
Evaluación del uso de alcohol por familias de la periferia de Guayaquil en Ecuador, por estudiantes de enfermería
Mieles Moreira, Marìa;Galera, Sueli Aparecida Frari;
Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-11692010000700019
Abstract: the aim of this study was to present the demographic and alcohol use profiles of families assessed by nursing students during the community and family nursing program. this is a case study using “the family assessment questionnaire” as its data source, which was applied by nursing students to assess family health conditions, during their practical training. family selection was by convenience according to risk indicators and poverty, assessed from the outside condition of the dwelling or from public health services records of the area. a questionnaire correlated with the one that students applied was prepared to obtain data. this instrument obtained information about the socioeconomic profile, family environment and alcohol consumption. the alcohol use disorder identification test (audit) was applied to families that reported alcohol use. of the 128 families evaluated by students we found 47 families who reported alcohol consumption, these families answered audit, the average total score was 10.66 which equates to risk level 2. the suggested intervention for this level of risk is simple counseling that can be offered by nurses in the primary health care.

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